Malandrinum Nosode

Malandrinum - The Grease of Horses
The crusts vary in form and character, and the appearance differs as much in animals as many skin diseases of the same family do in the human. Dr. W. P. Wesselhoeft reports a case in which :
"The crust assumed a conical form ; a thick layer of crusts, if allowed to remain without removal, heaped up one-half 'an inch. They were fragile, moist, yellow, about the consistency of honey-comb. When removed a raw surface remained with deep fissures and thick crusts reformed into their original size in 48 hours. There was evidently no itching, but some soreness after removal of the scabs."
These crusts resemble some forms of eczema and rupia.
From Jenner we have it that, the origin of cowpox is infection of the udders of cows by contact with grass, on which a horse infected with grease has trodden ; while the other historical origin from a similar source of infection, also from Jenner, is that it was from the unwashed hands of the stable neys who milked the cows after grooming the horses infected with grease.
These assertions are to some extent confirmed by the clinical experience of many homeopaths, who have successfully used Malandrinum against infection with smallpox, and for the bad effects of vaccination.
John H. Clarke says :
"It has been used on inferential grounds with great success in bad effects of vaccination. I have cured with it cases of unhealthy dry, rough skin remaining for years after vaccination ; in small-pox, measles and impetigo."
Burnett cured with it a case of knock-knee in a child who was constantly handling his penis. His indications are : "Lower half of body affected, greasy skin and greasy eruption. Slow pustulation never ending, as one heals another appears."
For the bad effects from vaccination: The late Dr. Fellger, of Philadelphia, probably had a more extensive experience in treating variola and the effects of vaccination than any other man of his time. He had given much thought-and many years of study to the subject and came to rely almost wholly upon Malandrinum as a prophylactic for variola, and as the therapeutic remedy in acute cases.
He used Malandrinum for confluent small-pox with great success. Where the skin has an unnatural color between the pustules, and small-pox takes on the confluent form, it is always serious and often dangerous. When the eyeball becomes congested and red, it enables the physician to prognose danger.
Dr. Boskowitz, of Brooklyn, was the first to introduce and use Malandrinum. He made the first potencies up to the 30th from the crusts of the "grease of the horse."
To the observations of Dr. Boskowitz in the use of this remedy, both as a prophylactic and therapeutic remedy against small-pox and the bad effects of vaccination, are added those of Drs. Raue, Carleton Smith, Wm. Jefferson Guernsey, Selfridge, Wesselhoeft, Burnett and Clarke.
The potencies of Boericke & Tafel were obtained from Dr. Raue ; those of Fincke, Swan and Smith, of New York, came direct from Dr. Boskowitz. It is needless to add that these original preparations were hand-made, but we believe all are reliable. The remedy has had an extensive proving by W. P. Wesselhoeft, H. C. Allen, Steere, Holcombe and students of Hering College, in 1900 and 1901.
The provings were made with potencies ranging from the 30th and 35th to the 200th. No prover knew what was being taken.
We consider it a deep long acting remedy, to be repeated not oftener than once a fortnight.
Impetigo, ecthyma ; fat, greasy looking pustular eruptions are especially affected by this remedy. A. L. Marcy, H. R. Vol. XIV, p. 530, relates a singular experience with Malandrinum 30. During a small-pox epidemic he vaccinated himself, taking at the same time Malandrinum 30 night and morning.
The vaccination did not take. It was twice repeated and still did not take ; nor was small-pox contracted. Called to vaccinate four children in a family whose parents had small-pox, he vaccinated all and gave Malandrinum 30 to three of them at the same time ; the remaining child was the only one whose vaccination "took." This was so severe that Malandrinum had to be given to modify its intensity, which it did effectually. The other three were re-vaccinated but none "took."
Of five children from six to seventeen years of age, only the eldest had been vaccinated, and he had a good scar. All except the eldest were given Malandrinum, and were vaccinated and none of the four "took." The eldest took small-pox. Malandrinum was then given, and in a few days he was convalescent. In another case of small-pox Malandrinum was given, and the disease only lasted a few days, the eruption drying up.
The only previous attempt at proving was made by Straube with the 30th potency, published in the H. R. Vol. XV, p. 145, and the H. W. Vol. XXXV, p. 504. These symptoms are included:
- Comprehension difficult.
- Memory weakened and impaired ; great difficulty in remembering what was read.
- Confused feeling in head with severe pain in left temporal region, finally located in left eye and felt as if a saw was being drawn up and down vertically through globe, < by light and reading.
- Confusion and lassitude of mental faculties ; lack of concentration and a dread of any mental exertion.
- Confusion and lassitude of the mental faculties with a dread of any mental exertion and a lack of concentration, an entirely new and unusual experience which continued several weeks after stopping the remedy.
- Melancholy with general fatigue.
- Sharp darting pain first in left temple then in right.
Head External
- Excessive oily dandruff (an entirely new experience) the fourth week after pustules dried up.
- Impetigo covering head from crown to neck and extending behind ears.
- Impetigo, covering back of head, extending over back to buttocks, labia and even into vagina.
- Itching on scalp, especially in the evening.
- Pustular eruption on scalp.
- Sensation of weariness at junction of atlas with cranium, every morning on rising.
- Thick, greenish crusts with pale, reddish scabs, itching in the evening.
Prover contracted a digital chancre, from surgical infection in May, 1891 ; was treated homeopathically. Ever since a tendency to crusty pimples on the scalp, chiefly on vertex ; discrete, scattered, entirely free from itching, neither painful nor sore, small at the base but considerably elevated in form of a dry crust. Condition had existed eleven years.
Malandrinum 30, three times a day, caused the eruption to disappear entirely for three months, after which it gradually re-appeared.
- Dizziness.
- Eruption on forehead, crusty with intense itching.
- Frontal and occipital headache, backache, weariness and chilliness, lasting one day.
- Frontal headache, backache and weariness.
- Frontal headache, no appetite, bilious vomiting and weariness.
- Headache and backache, stiffness of neck, loss of appetite, constipation, and great weakness (following vaccination).
- Headache, worse in forehead, with pain in back and abdomen, attended with general debility (following varioloid).
- Heaviness in the head.
- Pain in back of head, no appetite, inability to sleep.
- Pain in forehead, left after Malandrinum.
- Pains all over head.
- Splitting headache in the forehead, chilliness, salty taste in mouth.
- Temporal headache, dizziness, backache.
- Terrible headache and backache.
- Terrible headache, bone pains, vomiting (bilious), chilliness, diarrhea, malaise.
- Red stripes under eyes.
- Severe pain in left eye as if a saw was drawn up and down vertically through eye ball.
- Dry rawness in floor of left nares, more marked on left side.
- A yellowish honey-comb crust on upper lip.
- Eczema facialis ; intense burning, much edema, oozing viscid fluid.
- Skin of face and neck chaps and smarts after shaving ; must shave on warm moist days.
- Left ear painful on waking.
- Profuse purulent, greenish yellow discharge, mixed with blood.
- Canker on left border of tongue, which spreads in all directions ; tongue sore, unable to speak.
- Horribly offensive breath.
- Tongue, coated yellow; with red streak through middle, cracked and ulcerating down middle; swollen.
In one case in which I was using Malandrinum 30 as a prophylactic of variola, it cured a very stubborn case of aphthae.- N. S. Taylor.
- January 24 commenced taking Malandrinum 200.
- Thursday, Feb. 6th, awakened with first sore throat of my life.
- Left tonsil swollen and inflamed.
- Left ear ached and gums on left side of mouth inflamed and swollen ; marked salivation.
- These symptoms continued and severely < until March 5th ; when they became so severe that he was compelled to seek antidote (Merc. s. Cm)
- Left tonsil swollen ; yellow ulcer with clear cut, well defined edges persistent for several days ; rough scraping sensation like a corn husk or a foreign body, which must be removed mechanically ; painless swallowing.
- Severe ulcerated sore throat beginning on third day, worse on left side.
- Sore and swollen < left side.
- Throat symptoms and pains in throat begin on left side, and extend to right.
- Ulcerated sore throat had tendency to extend downward, invading the larynx.
- Ulcerative patches, grayish in color, on tonsils and fauces, with a tickling sensation on swallowing.
Appetite; Throat
- Entire absence of thirst.
- Thirstless ; water nauseates.
Teeth And Gums
- A dark, brown, tenacious mucus mixed with blood and pus exudes from ulcerated gums.
- Gums swollen, ulcerated, receding from teeth ; bleed easily when touched ; unable to brush the teeth from sore and bleeding gums.
- Sordes on the teeth.
- Teeth covered with viscid mucus ; must clean them with cotton several times daily.
- Empty, faint, "all gone" sensation, with faintness and trembling, not > by eating, though desire for food is very marked.
- Nausea after eating ; vomiting of bilious matter.
- Very hungry.
- Pains around umbilicus.
Stool (Malandrinum)
- II Black, foul-smelling diarrhea, malaise and weariness.
- II Dark brown, foul-smelling, almost involuntary diarrhea pains in abdomen.
- II Dark brown, painless diarrhea.
- II Diarrhea : acrid, yellow, offensive, followed by burning in anus and rectum.
- II Diarrhea : yellow, bloody, slimy ; very changeable, worse in the morning ; acrid, excoriating ; child had a dried-up mummyfied appearance ; sleepless and has not nursed for 24 hours.
- I Black, foul-smelling diarrhea ; weariness, nausea, dizziness.
- I Dark, thin, cadaverous-smelling stool.
- I Yellow, foul-smelling, almost involuntary diarrhea, and great weariness.
- Bowels inactive, no desire ; move after enema, but leave sore bruised sensation in rectum for hours ; dreads stool.
- Great sensitiveness of bladder on walking ; bladder irritable, frequent desire to urinate.
- Male Sexual Organs
(Child constantly handles the penis.) - Painful erections second night with great sensitiveness of bladder.
- Painful erections the seventh and eighth nights.
- Violent erections the seventh and eighth nights.
Female Sexual Organs
- Vagina closed with thick impetiginous crusts ; yellowish, greenish, brown in color.
- II Intense pain across small of back.
- II Pain along back as if beaten.
- I Backache was intense in the sacral region ; in the dorsal region, under the shoulder blades, chiefly the left side ; it was almost unbearable. (Dr. B. from three doses of the 200th.)
Upper Limbs
- Impetiginous crusts on extensor sides of forearms.
- Rhagades in palms and fingers.
- Had a case of varioloid to treat ; I took four doses of Malandrinum 30, one dose a day, and had a sharp proving in the form of a severe backache for several days.
Lower Limbs
- II Deep rhagades, sore and bleeding, on soles of feet > in cold weather and after bathing.
- II Soles of feet bathed in sweat, scald and burn when covered or warm.
- I Feet "go to sleep" upon least provocation, a sensation never before observed.
- I Large blisters on soles of both feet-no change of shoes skin exfoliated on both feet.
- A sore spot in right quadriceps extensor femoris as eruption disappeared, later it changed to muscles of left leg with increased pain and tenderness.
- Aching in the limbs for several weeks, much worse when weary (during small-pox epidemic).
- Cold perspiration on soles of feet ; sensation of a draft of air blowing on feet at night, must get up and tuck in the bed clothes which relieves.
- Dull pain in crest of left tibia for several days before sore throat and headache began.
- Intense itching < by rubbing or scratching.
- Knock-knee.
- Left foot drenched with sweat ; right foot dry. Four days later (after dancing 2/ hours) both feet drenched with perspiration.
- Pains especially in left tibia, with petechiae like patches on anterior aspect of left leg from knee to ankle.
- Petechia on both thighs < on left.
- Profuse foot-sweat with carrion-like odor ; toes so sore unable to walk ; only > was when feet were bared and elevated.
- " Run arounds " on all nails of hands and feet.
- Skin underneath toes cracked and bled.
- Sore in all limbs and joints.
- The itching or sweating would return on covering or letting the feet hang down.
- Toes felt as if scalded and itched terribly underneath ; was compelled to change hose twice a day, and bathed with cold water morning, noon and night, which gave relief.
- Weak ankles, easily turn on waking a false step.
- On Oct. 22, 1901, a man, 56, had three doses of Malandrinum 30, to be taken 24 hours apart.
- On Nov. He complained of burning, stinging itching of face and scalp < at night.
- In a few days there was a well developed eczema which continued four or five weeks despite antidotal treatment.
- A burning itching sensation beneath the skin in the palm of the hand, appeared upon contact ; after the eruption had disappeared, continued for several weeks.
- A nodular eruption over chest and shoulders, extended down the arm to elbows, with slight vesication, disappeared, leaving thin crusts.
- A sensation of rawness of the skin over chest and shoulders, after bathing, as if the skin had been scraped with burning acid, smarting by covering parts.
- Dry ; rough, unhealthy skin remaining for years after vaccination.
- Eczema of face and scalp, with burning, stinging itching. Impetigo on extensors of forearms.
- Eruption in hollow of arms and knees, red, scaly with intense itching < when becoming warm.
- Palms and soles thick ; deep rhagades < in cold weather, < from washing with any kind of soap.
- Pustules slow to develop but never ending ; as one healed another appeared.
- Skin greasy ; oily eruption, and hair excessively oily.
- Skin rough, dry, harsh.
- Small dusky red spots on legs, not disappearing on pressure.
- On the 6th day a pustular eruption covering chest and shoulders with hard nodules and intense itching ; eruption began to crust with little or no discharge from pustules.
- Two ladies had taken the 200th, one dose, daily ; on the third day with one and on the fourth day with the other, a slight pustular eruption appeared on the face and chest. The eruptions were similar in character and ran their course in a week.
- A few small pustules appeared on the left arm near the site of infantile vaccination, some days after a dose of Malandrinum 200.- Geo. H. Clark.
- Restless sleep ; dreams of trouble, of quarrels.
Malandrinum Observations
Malandrinum 30, while being used as a prophylactic of variola, cured a stubborn case of aphthae, which had resisted many well selected remedies.
Malandrinum 30, one dose daily for four days, produced a severe backache for a week or more.
For the bad effects of vaccination has been used with best results.
Each member, in a family of six, had been vaccinated; three receiving Malandrinum, and their arms were only slightly affected by the vaccination and ran a short course of a few days; the other three, who did not receive Malandrinum, were very ill, arms sore for weeks and required treatment.
Bad effects of vaccination: A lady, with an ulcer as large as a silver dollar and three-fourths of an inch deep, which continued to suppurate and would not heal ; but under the curative effect of Malandrinum, recovered promptly.
When used as a prophylactic for variola has proved protective in many cases, and also prevented vaccination from "taking".
Skin symptoms produced in nearly all who took Malandrinum as a prophylactic ; itching rash on various parts of body and face, plainly visible under cuticle, with a few scattered eruptions on surface.
Malandrinum was given to nearly 600 persons, many of whom had been exposed by personal contact with various patients, before and after taking the medicine ; only one case of so-called varioloid occurred, and this may have been a proving of Malandrinum.
Malandrinum 30 given to many persons during small-pox epidemic as a prophylactic produced in a number of cases marked premonitory symptoms ; headache, backache, general soreness, malaise, thickly coated tongue, loss of appetite, and more or less fever.
Blood boils. Malignant pustules. Vaccinal ulcers.
"The crust assumed a conical form; a thick layer of crusts, if allowed to remain without removal, heaped up one-half inch. They were fragile, moist, yellow, about the consistency of honey-comb. When removed a raw surface remained with deep fissures and thick crusts reformed into their original sire in 48 hours. There was evidently no itching, but soreness after removal of the scabs. "- Wesselhoeft.
Malandrinum 30: produced burning, stinging, itching of the face scalp, worse ill the night ; a few days later a well developed eczema.
Malandrinum 200: produced a number of small pustules on the left arm, near the site of infantile vaccination.
Mr. H. , aged 42, American, youngest of ten children ; father died at 45, of pneumonia ; a brother died at 20, of pneumonia ; mother died in old age. Two sisters complain of rheumatism.
Brunette, black fair, dark blue eyes, healthy and athletic, until 21 years old. Never used tea, coffee, alcoholics or tobacco ; lived a chaste life ; father and brothers the same.
From birth his skin has been rough, dry, harsh ; one brother has the sauce. Skin of palms and soles thick, cracks in cold weather ; deep rhagades, sore at bottom : dry cold weather : when using soap or any alkali : skin of face and neck chaps and smarts after shaving. Must choose moist warm days for shaving.
At 21 had malaria, and was given very large doses of Quinine. Never had another chill; but has been constipated ever since, and sciatic rheumatism then set in, in cold weather, - before storms.
Was nearly crippled from it for ten years.
Had sphincter dilated ; papillae removed at two different times, but with no permanent benefit.
Bowel ; inactive, no desire for stool. Move after an enema, but leave a sore bruised feeling in rectum: dread of stool. Thirstless ; water nauseates.
Was vaccinated Feb. 1901. A slight "take."
Lower half of body affected ; greasy skin ; greasy eruption. Slow pustulation, never ending, as one healed another appeared. --- Burnett.
Bad effects of vaccination ; has cured cases of unhealthy, dry, rough skin, remaining for years after vaccination in smallpox, measles and impetigo.- Clarke.
Eczema facialis ; oozing of a viscid fluid ; intense burning ; much edema ; small scales, exfoliated < from bathing at night ; in cold air.-- Thompson.
In a family of eight persons, none of whom had been vaccinated, the oldest boy took small-pox. One of his brothers slept with him and broke out all over; the mother expecting to be confined in a few days, we sent him away, and I at once put the rest of the family on Malandrinum 200, with the result that none of them took small-pox. The boy that slept with his brother had a light fever the twelfth day, but that passed off without any further trouble. -Bryant.
A yellowish honey-comb crust on tipper lip ; would crumble off, leaving, moist surface, which would soon reform.
Sharp, stabbing pain through upper lip with occasional bumming.
Small pimples on chest and back, with intense itching extending to other parts of body and limbs < by cold air, when undressing.
A large crust of a light yellowish-gray color on right side of forehead extending, to the temple and borders of the hair.
Eruption in the popliteal space and hollow of elbows ; scaly, crusty, moisture under the crusts and intense itching.
Malandrinum, in small-pox
The following symptom ; are reported cured with Malandrinum:
Aching in limbs ; headache ; pains in left side of head with great debility ; pains in back, head and abdomen ; pain in head and back, fatigue, chilliness and vomiting ; stiff neck ; constipation : inability to go up stairs front weakness ; lazy, weak feeling ; terrible itching after an attack of small-pox ; foul smelling diarrhea, chilliness, weak, tired feeling ; great pain around the navel, sore aching in bones, sleeplessness during an attack of smallpox. Crying and ill temper of children during small-pox ; pain in back extending to heels, soreness of abdomen, every hone in body aches. There was no smell front tine eruption after Malandrinum was given. - Straube.
"Malandrinum has been given to numbers of unvaccinated children who were directly exposed to the contagion of variola, and they have invariably escaped the disease. I have given it to many persons (one dose each), directly after vaccination and been unable to make that or a re-vaccination "take" with virus which had proven effectual with others who had not had the medicine.
One girl who suffered terribly from pain and an enormously swollen and inflamed arm and forearm, following vaccination, I entirely relieved of the pain in a few hours by two doses of Malandrinum, and with an almost complete disappearance of the objective symptoms ill twelve hours."-Guernsey.
As therein stated, one or two doses are given, 24 hours apart, and not repeated until a succeeding epidemic or "scare"- at all events it is believed to be sufficient for at least a year.
Impetigo covering back of head, extending over whole back to buttocks and even into vagina, covering labia and extensors of forearms.
Malignant pustules.
Bad effects of vaccination.
Small dusky red spots on legs, not disappearing on pressure.
Miss A. W. C. ; a large brunette ; unusually well and strong ; aged 50, a nurse.
- Wednesday, Dec. 6. Took twenty pellets of Malandrinum, the 35th, at 5:30 P. M.
- Thursday evening, Dec. 7. Toothache in right upper eyetooth beginning about 8 P. M. and lasting for two hours until bed time.
- Friday evening, Dec. 8. Peculiar feeling of snuffles in the nose without discharge, with an unusual feeling of apprehension.
- Saturday, Dec. 9., 9 A. M. A peculiar dull ache in my left chest near the heart lasting about two hours.
- in the afternoon about 2 P. M. a severe dull pain in ball of foot, under big toe ; worse when stepping on it. This lasted all the rest of the afternoon.
- Sunday, Dec. 10. Felt very well today and with the exception of the above sensations have felt an unusual exhilaration and have had an especially good appetite during the last four days.
- No more symptoms until December 19th, when I took ten pellets of the two hundredth in the morning before breakfast.
- Had a dull, uncomfortable headache which passed off after sundown.
- December 21. Back of head aches from early morning all day, after a sleepless night with a patient.
- December 22. Have had unusually vivid dreams and very unpleasant ones.
- December 23. Dreams again vivid, but not as unpleasant (I very rarely dream).
- Felt very well otherwise except an unusual apprehension about patient, for no 'reason that I can account for.
- December 25. Unusually vivid dreams.
- December 26. All night quarrelsome dreams. Woke in the morning with left arm, very lame and a peculiar restlessness in the arm, which was exceedingly uncomfortable.
- Sudden pains in my right hand which come and go quickly and have continued during the whole afternoon.
Mrs. G. F. S., widow, aged 58. Blonde, well developed, inclined to obesity. Remarkably healthy woman, whose appearance and vivacity would place her at the age of 40.
- Dec. 6, 1905. Took fifteen pellets of the 35th potency at 10 P. M.
- Before eleven o'clock began to feel a creepy sensation in my skin, particularly in the face, like the crawling of ants over it, accompanied by itching.
- It was red, and I had to resist a desire to jerk my- fingers and twist my hands ; this continued and increased even after I had taken my warm bath.
- Went to bed about twelve very sleepy, but could not get to sleep because I could not lie still on account of creepy sensation which spread over my arms, shoulders and upper part of my body, with jerking of the limbs.
- I turned from one side to the other, but could not be quiet long enough to get to sleep. Accompanying this was a ringing in my head, as it once had when years ago I had taken quinine, but it was not of long duration.
- At half-past one I got up and wrote this. My lower limbs did not seem to be affected by any of these sensations, but I kept scratching my arms and face, head and shoulders, and my hands and fingers felt particularly restless and nervous. Had no internal disturbance other than my head. Finally fell asleep at half-past two and slept soundly until six.
- Dec. 7. Awoke with all the symptoms of the night before gone, but had a sharp headache, and a bad taste in my mouth. By seven o'clock these too were gone, and I arose feeling all right.
- While I was out walking I was taken with a severe pain in the back, or, rather, at the left side of the sacrum low down, with stitching pains in rectum. It lasted about an hour.
- At two o'clock began to have a bad headache over eyes, and with a sense of fulness in my head.
- My feet were somewhat swollen when I put on my boots in the early morning, but by twelve o'clock after walking (not without some pain) the swelling left. By half-past three in the afternoon my headache was entirely gone (it lasted only one and a-half hours), also the sense of fullness in the head. Have felt perfectly well ever since until Friday morning.
- Dec. 11. About eleven o'clock when I suddenly had another attack of headache, and I find that I am liable to a return of these attacks, with the sense of fullness, at odd times, apparently without any reason.
- Friday had three attacks, but they did not last long ; from half an hour to an hour and a-half, not longer, also since Wednesday evening, when I took the pills, until Friday night, Dec. Lith, I have not had any discharge from my bowels.
- Dec. 9. When I went to bed last night, after lying down, my head had a sharp pain for perhaps ten minutes. This morning when I woke I had that disagreeable taste in my mouth, but felt all right until about 9 o'clock, when I went out, and I did not have any vitality, and found it hard work to lift my legs. I thought it might come from not taking coffee (which you have asked me not to do during the proving), as I have done for so long a time, so I went and had some rolls and omelet and drank a cup of weak tea, but did not feel any better.
- My movements seemed to be uncertain. I was afraid of falling, or tripping. It was difficult work getting in and out of the cars. I had occasion to go up two flights of stairs, very old, narrow and rickety, and was afraid that I should fall on my way down.
- I have had all day, not a headache, but a feeling that made me scowl, and keep closing my eyes. I felt as if I must get home as soon as possible.
- For two days, several times, I have been troubled by feeling very hot in the face ; never cold. Sometimes when the face felt burning hot I would perspire on the face and head.
- This morning I had a movement of the bowels, the first since Wednesday, Dec. 6th.
- I have been troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my hand, the right one, and thigh and hip, although the pain was not constant, but since taking the pellets on Wednesday last, I have not had any pain of this kind anywhere. I have had a slight eruption on my cheeks and sometimes a place larger than a dollar would be burning red and shining on my right cheek at the side of my nose.
- Sunday, Dec. 10. No symptoms today until now, 7 P. M., both cheeks are burning and have the inflamed shiny look. Perhaps it is also another symptom that I have been very irritable all day.
- Dec. 11. The rheumatism has returned in right hand and hip. After I have been walking a very short distance, nay legs pain me and get so heavy and my back and hips drag so that I have to sit down, and when I sit down, all these feelings go away. Two or three tinges today my right eyelid has kept twitching.
- Tuesday, Dec. 12. Twitching in left eye only. Same trouble in my hips and legs and back, when walking. My stomach and abdomen have been much swollen for two days.
- Wednesday, Dec. 13. Nothing more.
- Thursday, Dec. 11. Nothing.
- Dec. 17. Took two hundredth potency in solution at eleven o'clock P. M. k tablespoonful of twenty pellets dissolved in four tablespoonfuls of water.
- At 12 :30 A. M., my skin began to itch and my legs were very fidgety, also all my body was very restless. Arms and shoulders were not affected as before, however, with itching and restlessness. It seemed to be the lower part of my body this time, although my face felt some of the irritation, but in a much less degree.
- Monday, Dec. 18, 7 :30 A. M. Slept soundly from 12 :30 to 7 :311 this morning, with all the symptoms of the night before one go awaking.
- At 4 P. M. began to have excruciating pain in my forehead over the left eye, which continued until about midnight. Once it ran down behind my left ear for a short while. It left me as suddenly as it came. Took the last tablespoonful that night. Slept well without disturbance.
- Dec. 19. That day was without pain or other disturbances, except I felt in a state of collapse nearly all day. Had no strength in my arms or legs, and every little while was obliged to lie down wherever I happened to be. Would almost fall asleep and my breathing was very deep and heavy, like puffing. My body felt heavy, and I had difficulty in lifting my legs and walking. Frequently low sighs would come. This was all much better by 6 P. M.
- While taking the medicine this time, I have had no operation of the bowels, and the last day there was more or less of an eruption on my cheeks and at the side of the nose, but not the red shiny look I had when taking the remedy the first time in pills (the 35th).
- Each time I took the medicine (the first time in pellets and this time in solution) I had a slight return of the breaking out round my waist which I had when afflicted with shingles years ago. I was not rheumatically affected this time as I seemed to be when I first took the pills. Ever since I began taking the pills, from the first day until now, I have found that when I started out walking, however well I felt, after a short time I gave out all over, and especially in my bowels, thighs and legs, also the toes of my left foot, except the big toe, were affected in a way I never before felt, not like cramp or gout ; and whereas I am always light on my feet and move quickly and easily, during these days it has been hard for me to get about and I have felt heavy and moved heavily, also a great deal of headache, a thing unusual for me ; also often a shortness of breath with an inclination to wheeze.
- Dec. 20th, 7 A. M. Woke with a bad headache (the bad taste which I had in my mouth when waking while I was taking the medicine in pellets (35th) I have not had at all this time). Since December 20th I have had no more symptoms.
Mrs. J. F. C., aged 62 ; a large well developed woman, gray hair, former blonde, born in England, and has lived for twenty years in Munich, Germany.
- May 8, 1900. Has always been remarkably well until eight years ago when an eruption appeared on the upper lip, which formed a yellowish, honeycombed crust. Portions would crumble off and leave a moist surface, which again would form a similar crust ; occasionally a burning and, at long intervals, sharp stabbing pains through the upper lip.
- Had received all kinds of external treatments by German specialists, without effect. Once after cautery, it remained absent for six months. Then Dr. Jochner, of Munich, advised surgical interference, which was not acceded to. On her return to America, further local experiments 'were tried without success.
- I could not elicit any symptoms of a constitutional character. Neither could I establish any connection with vaccination, or revaccination, as she told me she had never been revaccinated since childhood, which is a remarkable record for a life in Germany of twenty years.
- The appearance was so unsightly that she had excluded herself largely from contact with society and was consequently mentally much depressed and anxious. From May 8th until February, 1901, she received at long intervals of at least three weeks single doses of Sulphur, Arsenic and Kali carb. The latter remedy was given June 20th, 1900, and some improvement was noticed until February, 1901, during which time she was under placebo, when she reappeared with the condition as bad as ever.
- The character of the eruption reminding me so strongly in appearance of the "scratches" of horses, led me to give her one dose of Malandrinum 24m., on February 5th, 1901.
- April 1st. There was on the whole a decided change in the diameter and elevation of the crust, but still there existed the sticky moisture under it. Repeated Malandrinum 24m., and placebo, with slight improvement. On April 27 she received Malandrinum cm., with gradual improvement during May and June.
- July 15. The crust had decreased one-half, but still moisture underneath it, Malandrinum cm.
- October 26th. She reappeared with an entirely clear lip which has remained so to this date, Dec. 11, 1906.
Miss M. N. H., aged 19, medium brunette. Student.
- Dec. 27, 1904. Eruptions first appeared three years ago on chest and back. Small pimples with intense itching, extending to other parts of the body and limbs ; < when exposed to air and on undressing.
- For the last two months a different form of eruption has appeared on face, a very unsightly crust of a light yellowish gray color, on right side of forehead extending to the temple and under the hair on that side. Has used external medicinal applications more or less for the last three years without benefit. There is some irritation and itching of the eruption on the forehead, but less intense than that on the body.
- Complains of faint, gone sensations in stomach without real hunger. This is especially evident since the previous July, and is not > by eating. All functions normal.
- Was vaccinated repeatedly before her twelfth year. In that year the vaccination "took," followed by a tedious suppuration at the point of vaccination.
- Sulphur cm. in water to be taken during forty-eight hours, a tablespoonful morning and evening.
- Jan. 21, 1905. Has more eruption and more intense itching.
- No faintness. Appetite rather abnormal, craves hearty food. Psorinum cm. in water, morning and evening for two days. Feb. 18. Itching continues intense. Eruption has appeared
- in popliteal space and hollow of elbows. Thinks there is less moisture after scratching. Placebo.
- March 15. No improvement whatever. All symptoms remain the same, except the faintness at the stomach disappeared. Malandrinum 24m., one dose dry.
- April 15. Eruption on forehead appears to be less thick, but itching remains intense. Malandrinum 24m., one dose dry.
- May 13. Decidedly less itching ; less moisture, both on face and body. Chief discomfort on forehead. Crust less thick. Malandrinum 24m., one dose dry.
- June 12. Decidedly better. Placebo.
- July 10. Most marked improvement. Forehead entirely free from the crust, and all eruption. Skin normal, where the large crust was located. Eruption on body also much improved ; no itching. Hollows of elbows and knees clear of eruption.
- Dec. 9. Has been free from eruption all summer. Since the cold weather slight reappearance on forehead and neck, but no crust. Small pimples with some itching. Says her hair is falling out. Malandrinum 24m., one dose dry.
- March 10. No eruption anywhere. Skin of body normal. No itching. No falling of hair.
- In November, 1906, received letter from a relative, who reports her as perfectly well, and the happiest girl in her town.
Miss G. W., aged 40, light blonde, full habit, very healthy. Dec. 6th. Ten pellets, 38th potency, at 12 M. Wednesday. While sitting at lunch at 2 o'clock momentary light-headed
- ness lasting perhaps two minutes.
- Friday, 8th. Woke at 4 A. M., attack of sinking weakness ; rose and walked about the room a few minutes ; was chilly for half an hour after returning to bed.
- Monday, 11th. All day nausea, > after eating, uncertain, shaky feeling in stomach.
- Tuesday, 12th. Same nausea continued < afternoon, with drill headache in forehead.
- After dinner at 7 o'clock nausea with eructations tasting of food.
- Wednesday, 13th. Slept from 11 till 4 A. M., then an attack of eructation of gas tasting of food ; no nausea to-day ; took cup of coffee this morning, which relieved nausea. Feels week and exhausted all over.
- Has felt so ill that she declines to take more of the medicine, and begged me, with tears in her eyes, not to give her any more, as she knew she would have "nervous exhaustion," which she had during a whole year, four years ago.
- Sleep (Malandrinum)
- Restless sleep ; dreams of trouble, of quarrels.
- Day books of proving. By W. P. Wesselhoeft, m. D.
Miss E. M. B., a strong brunette inclined to obesity, age 50, no menses for 18 months.
- Dec. 6th. Took ten pellets at 1 P. M., 35th potency. Wednesday night, Dec. 6th. Did not sleep well, woke frequently, mind unpleasantly active, darting from one idea to another.
- Thursday, 7th, A. M. Feeling of fullness in head, ache in back of neck (joint at top of spine, running down into arms and up behind ears).
- Friday evening, 8th. Slight soreness and swelled feeling
- around palate and between nose and throat.
- Saturday, 9th. Little blisters with crust at left angle of lips ; larger one on lower lip came two days before. Saturday night wakeful.
- Sunday, 10th, A. M. Soreness and rawness between throat and nose continue, more prominent on left side.
- Seven P. M. Shifting pains in lower abdomen. Sudden urgent movement of bowels gives relief (twice during the evening), fullness and heaviness in lower abdomen with dull ache, but not very marked.
- Monday, 11th, A. M. Mouth dry on waking, very thirsty all day. Sensation of large tongue, dryness succeeds soreness between nose and throat (left).
- 7 P. M. Return of sensations in abdomen described yesterday.
- Tuesday, 12th. Dry mouth in morning. Thirst and large tongue continue.
- Wednesday, 13th. Dry mouth, large tongue continue. Feeling of soreness and lameness under jaw and chin when mouth is opened very wide. Soreness under jaw (almost half way back from point of chin) felt when pressed deeply on outside, both sides.
- Dec. 18, 1905, 8 A. M. Took first dose of remedy in water. 10 P. M., took second dose.
- Dec. 19th, 9 A. M. Third dose. Four or five small red pimples on left forearm. No itching about them.
- 10 P. M. Fourth dose. Itching on back, neck and shoulders, more marked on left side. Very troublesome for more than an hour on undressing, and after going to bed.
- Dec. 20th, 10 A. M. More than an hour after breakfast. Intense discomfort in head, hard to describe.
- Feeling of lightness, yet of pressure on top of head ; sensations confined to region above ears.
- Sensation of motion in the eyes. Vision not clear or steady.
- Quick pulse, conscious of its beat in ears and neck ; quick, short breathing.
- Feeling of weakness in hands and wrists.
- Tingling sensation in arms and hands.
- Throbbing in top of head ; hissing sound in ears, with rhythm of pulse.
- Exhausted feeling was present all day.
- Dec. 21st, 11 A. M. Return of yesterday's symptoms, not quite so severe.
- 10 P. M. Great discomfort on lying down in bed, from heart beating very quickly with occasional skipping of a beat ; hissing in ears, weak feeling in arms.
- More comfortable with head propped high.
- Heartbeat quickened by slightest movement. Foregoing symptoms continued for an hour or more. Waked suddenly at 12 (by noise) ; first sensation a quivering or vibration inside of or back of eyes.
- Sensation of great heaviness of body, bed seemed insufficient support.
- Dec. 22d. Did not sleep after 4 A. M.
- 11 A. M. Slight return of symptoms of previous days at same hour.
- Depressed, worried, anxious.
- Slept somewhat better.
- Dec. 23d. Depression continued through forenoon, began to wear off towards evening.
- Dec. 28, 10-11 A. M. Itching or prickling on back, arms and legs ; less marked elsewhere on body ; relieved by warmth rather than by scratching.
- This has recurred at irregular intervals of one to four days up to to-day (Jan. 10).
- Dec. 31st. Feeling of swelling and soreness in throat or between nose and throat, back of palate ; pain running up into ears, left side. Thirst.
- Chilly feeling on changing clothes at night (the same on dressing next morning) ; headache.
- Jan. 1st. Symptoms return at evening with sneezing, dryness in throat, left side.
- Jan. 2d. Some mucus cleaned from nose and throat afforded relief, and the trouble gradually disappeared, though the dryness of nose and throat on left side continues (Jan. 10).
Grease in Horses, Malan., Malandrinum, Pferdemauke, Malandrinum Nos. BESTELLEN BEI REMEDIA