Capsicum annuum - Chetna

November 1996
I was consulted in my office by my assistant with a 10 year old boy and his mother, he was treated with Tarantula, Platina without any effect. His chief complaint was warts on the tips of all his fingers and bed-wetting. He entered the consulting room reluctantly. He sat on the chair with great convincing by the mother that” it won’t take long and we will soon go home, it will take us just some time”. The mother clarified saying” he gets angry, otherwise he is fine” shall I describe him?
Dr: Yes go on.
Mother: ”He gets irritated soon, if things don’t go as per his wish. He will walk out of the room when he gets angry. If he is very angry he cries. He has leg pains the Doctor says they are growing pains. He won’t mix up fast with any new person. He won’t open up, even with friends. At home he plays on his own he doesn’t go out to play with friends.”
At this point, the boy looked angrily at his mother, trying to hit her with his hand and moving only one side of his face and made a peculiar ”cluck” sound verbally, expressing his contempt and disgust.
The mother goes on.
”As a child he was very hyperactive and was given Tablet Anaxol to calm him down. He would cry the whole night and constantly be in an angry mood. His anger is out of proportion to his age. He would bang things, throw things on the floor, or walk out of the room. If you ask him or try to converse with him, he doesn’t like. If you ask him what he did in school for the day he won’t answer. You just have to listen to whatever he says, when he says. No questions accepted. His father is also a very quiet person, he also makes no new friends. May be he(son) is afraid. He refuses to go out on camps and tours from school. He never goes overnight to anybody’s house. Once a No is never a Yes, it is always a No.”
”Once we sent him to a camp for children. In the middle of the night we received a phone from them asking us to take him back, as he was unmanageable. When we asked him he said he did not like the food, it was too bland. All the other children enjoyed staying there but he did not.”
”He is also very stubborn, if he wants something he wants it. If he decides something he does it. If he does not want to speak he won’t speak.”
All this while the boy was resting on the table with his head on his hands not making any eye contact and disinterested in whatever was happening. He kept making this ”cluck” sound verbally expressing his obstinacy and desire not to speak and involve himself in the happenings, showing contempt and disgust.
”He is very sensitive too, the other day we went to somebody’s house and I said we will be back in 1 hour and it took us long there, he got angry and upset and didn’t talk to me and sulked all day long. He kept on saying that I went against my word. He doesn’t like to share his things with anyone. He thinks the other children will spoil his toys and his things.”
Child: He answered but with the ”cluck” sound verbally and angrily he tries to hit his mother saying Come home!
Doctor: Your mother is not complaining about you. She is describing you.
Mother: He won’t speak a word. He won’t answer you, he will not even look at you.
Doctor: You know why we ask?
Child: Looking at me angrily and not answering anything and he starts playing with sunglasses and makes the ”cluck” sound.
Doctor: Why did you come back from the camp?
Child: I didn’t like the food. It was bland.
After this he did not answer anything and he turned his chair around to face his back towards me. His mother tried to move the chair towards me but he got angry.
Mother: ”He likes pickles and pungent. He eats raw onions, raw garlic paste, and ginger paste and ginger pieces with food. He eats pickles like vegetables. He loves pungent food. He has to be forced to eat regular food, with food he needs something pungent or else he won’t eat. He loves pickles.
Child: Hitting mother but this times a smiling ”cluck” sound.
Mother: He doesn’t like milk, no sweet drinks. He takes coffee.
Child: Yawning and looking here and there but at me.
Doctor: What angers you the most?
Child: ”Cluck” looking at the mother and saying come home! Expressing it is more than enough that we have sat here.
Mother: ”If things don’t go his way, if things go against his wishes. If you ask him too many questions he gets angry. He has a cousin sister, if she takes his toys then he gets angry.
I request the mother to go out, but he doesn’t allow her to go out and gets very angry and stubborn.
Mother: He won’t allow me to go out.
Doctor: How was your pregnancy?
”No problems, no nausea or vomiting. I only had bleeding in the first trimester, not much labor pains. I started with pains in the morning and in the afternoon I delivered him, it was a forceps delivery. Even I am reserved but not like him.
Doctor: How was your mood during pregnancy?
Mother: Ours was a love marriage there where no problems.
Child: Come mom, let's go home.
Mother: Every time we go anywhere, he wants to go home. He doesn’t sit anywhere. He and his stubbornness.
Doctor to the child: Some more time and you will be free.
He didn’t look at me and went on fingering his mother suggesting that ”We go home” so I thought of asking him about pickles because at this question he had smiled.
Doctor: You like pickles?
Child: Yes (nodding a yes). I like pickles and chillies.
… And I - spontaneously, breaking all the guidelines mentioned in the Aphorisms 83 and 98 asked him, rather put a question to him
Doctor: ”Even you are like a chilly, aren't you?”
Child: (Spontaneously) nodding a yes. ”Cluck” (Affirmation)
Mother: He loves raw garlic and raw onions. If there is no pickles he can eat red chilly powder or green chilly and salt. He will water from the eyes but he continues eating. He eats too much pungent for his age.
At this the boy just got up from the seat and pulled his mother out towards the door.
Mother: (Standing at the door) We will leave after the doctor gives us some medicine for you. He doesn't want to sit any longer and they leave.
This was the end of the session, and there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to give the child Capsicum in C200, one dose. I instructed my assistant to prescribe from her praxis as they stayed close to her praxis and would follow up with her.
The indications being
1. Homesickness.
2. Obstinate, headstrong: children; chilly, refractory and clumsy.
3. Anger easily.
4. Company aversion to.
5. Contemptuous.
6. Disgust
7. Ennui: boredom: homesickness with.
8. Cravings: chilly: green and/or red, pungent; coffee.
9. Mood, repulsive.
What happended then?
The mother and the child did not come to collect Capsicum C200 dose at my assistant’s praxis. After a fortnight the mother came to her saying that all the warts had fallen off from the fingers in the 2 weeks. My assistant reported it to me and jokingly I said, this seems to be a case of the so-called ” Homoeopsychotherapy” although I spoke and counselled nothing impressively like a similimum.
I followed up with the case over the phone and the child gradually started to ” smoothen” as the mother put it. His desire for pungent also lessened.
Why did this happen?
This question troubled me. I went through the video of the case again. On thorough examination I realized that my question …
Q: You are like a chili, aren't you?
Must have done the trick.
What worked was this question in all probabilities. Through this question the child received his similimum.
On deeper study I found that the answer to it lies in the Organon Of Medicine 6th edition in the footnote 9 to Aphorism 16 and footnote 10 to 17:
9 ”Most severe disease may be produced by sufficient disturbance of the Vital Force through the imagination and also cured by the same means.”
10 ” A warning dream, a superstitious fancy, or a solemn, prediction that death would occur at a certain day or a certain hour as not infrequently produced all the signs of commencing of an increasing disease, of approaching death and death itself at the hour announced, which could not happen without the simultaneous production of the inward change (corresponding to the state observed externally); and hence in such cases all the morbid signs indicative of approaching death have frequently been dissipated by an identical cause, by some cunning deception or persuasion to a belief in the contrary, and health suddenly restored, which could not have happened without the removal, by means of this moral remedy of the internal and external morbid change that threatened it.”
Also, in the "Times Of India", National Newspaper Of India there was an article on December 28th 1996 titled:
”Song awakens girl from Coma”
which read as…
This happened in Suffolk (Virginia):
”For 12 days, 9 year old Heather Harcum lay in a coma. Then her mother played Heather’s favorite song, ”Angels Among Us” by the country group Alabama and Heather came out of it.
When it came on she started crying which we always did when we heard the song” Penny Harcum, 30, said in an interview.”that clued me in that she knew what was going on. I crawled in bed with her, told her ”I love you” and asked her to tell me ”I love you” back. She did. I asked her to say it again because her voice was muffled and she did”
Ms Harcum was driving home from Christmas shopping on November 30th when she got into an accident with two other cars. She and her 6 year old daughter, Holly were injured, while the crash caused hemorrhaging on Heather’s brain, leaving the girl in coma.
Because it is believed that people in a coma can hear things around them, doctors suggested the family read books to her and play music she liked.
Ms Harcum thought Heather would like to hear the song, which always made Heather, Holly and Ms Marcum cry because it reminded them of deceased relatives. She went home and fetched the tape, which had been tucked in Heather’s Christmas stocking.
In the boy with warts, disease was dissipated and health restored by the question ”Even you are like a chilly, isn’t it?” The medium being the mind and his imagination.
In the girl the brain was injured, but the mind being yet functional the disease was dissipated and health restored by the music titled Angels among Us which had a special effect on her mind. In this case too again the medium being her mind and its imagination!
Source: Dr. Chetna, USA
Cayennepfeffer, Chilli, Pfeffer, spanischer, Capsicum annuum BESTELLEN BEI REMEDIA