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Acanthaster planci

Acanthaster planci - Proving by Jörg Hildebrandt

Crown-of-thorns-starfish (Acanthaster planci) - proving the threat of the coral reefs
by Jörg Hildebrandt, St. Pölten Austria

Acanthaster is a poisonous, voracious starfish with far more than the typical five arms, which causes great epidemic damage to coral reefs worldwide.

The remedy was prepared from a part of a living animal taken from the shores of Bohol/Philippines and was potentized to C30 and C200. 14 healthy provers between 21 and 50 years of age and one patient provided symptoms. The double-blind proving took place from Oct. 1998 to Dec. 1999.

"Characteristic symptoms" were very much those of the toxicology: tearing, stitching, burning pain or sensation of heat, itching, local numbness, especially in the face. A very prominent symptom was an eczema on the eyelids, which had to be antidoted in one prover by Nat-m., and could be cured in one patient. Another focus lay on flu-like and sinusitis-like symptoms (weakness in muscles in the afternoon, feeling of impending illness, pain in head, eyes and teeth aggravated by bending forward).

The mind picture seems to reflect the tuberculine miasm: dreams of wandering, trains, getting lost - comparable with the larval stage of the starfish. Themes of eroticism, pregnancy, marriage are comparable with its tendency to rapid propagation. Illness, disgust, necrosis are comparable with its poisonous slime and armoured appearance, and itself being a plague to the coral reefs. An interesting delusion of being naked or not properly dressed in one prover was repeated in a dream of another prover.


Acanthaster planci, COTS=Crown-of-Thorns-Starfish, Starfish, proving, tuberculine miasm.

Acanthaster planci, Dornenkronenseestern, Seestern, Arzneimittelprüfung, tuberkulinisches Miasma.

Korrespondierender Autor: Dr. Jörg Hildebrandt, Feldmühlweg 103, A-3100 St. Pölten, Austria



Acanthaster is a poisonous, voracious starfish with far more than the typical five arms, which causes great epidemic damage to coral reefs worldwide.

The remedy was prepared from a part of a living animal taken from the shores of Bohol/Philippines and was potentized to C30 and C200. 14 healthy provers between 21 and 50 years of age and one patient provided symptoms. The double-blind proving took place from Oct. 1998 to Dec. 1999.

"Characteristic symptoms" were very much those of the toxicology: tearing, stitching, burning pain or sensation of heat, itching, local numbness, especially in the face. A very prominent symptom was an eczema on the eyelids, which had to be antidoted in one prover by Nat-m., and could be cured in one patient. Another focus lay on flu-like and sinusitis-like symptoms (weakness in muscles in the afternoon, feeling of impending illness, pain in head, eyes and teeth aggravated by bending forward).

The mind picture seems to reflect the tuberculine miasm: dreams of wandering, trains, getting lost - comparable with the larval stage of the starfish. Themes of eroticism, pregnancy, marriage are comparable with its tendency to rapid propagation. Illness, disgust, necrosis are comparable with its poisonous slime and armoured appearance, and itself being a plague to the coral reefs. An interesting delusion of being naked or not properly dressed in one prover was repeated in a dream of another prover.